Jaywalk applies a return period of 14 days, with which we honor the period to exercise the so-called right of withdrawal. Within this time frame, you may try on the item(s) you ordered.
Would you like to exchange or return a product?
You can register your exchange or return by sending an email to info@jaywalk.nl
Please mention your order number and the reason of return.
If you decide to return one or more items, please ensure that we receive them within 14 days. We will refund the amount paid within 14 days after confirmation of receipt. Only unused and undamaged items can be returned. Shipping costs for the item(s) you returned will not be reimbursed. Please enclose a copy of the invoice, clearly stating your bank account number to enable us to reimburse you (excluding shipping costs).
Please note that we can only accept your return shipment in the original state and in the original packaging. In respect of shoes this means returning them in the original boxes in which they were delivered.